josh taylor

Josh Edmonds Memorial Scheme – Lewis’ blog

 The wonderful Lewis Murphy, the first candidate to follow in Josh’s footsteps and work as an intern at the Ministry of Sound is coming to the end of his time there.  He’s been writing a blog each day – and its hilarious.   Thanks Lewis and well done.

Here’s some excepts – click of the links for the full blog or go here Josh Edmonds Memorial Scheme | Candidate One

from  Being Candidate One

‘Waking up on a Friday morning with a banging headache and the early signs of flu is not the way anyone would want to start the day, but that is exactly what happened the day of my interview. So I dosed up on ibuprofen and paracetamol and prepared my self for the interview….’

MOS day 1
Josh’s desk at MoS – occupied for a while by Lewis

from  Meeting Drum and Bass Royalty and A Strange Tube Ride

‘…. She had a thick Jamaican accent and with her was her friend who just looked really relaxed and chuckled every now and again. They were such nice and funny people, talking to me loudly not caring what others thought as they casually rolled up a couple of joints in front of me. We rode the train together all the way until they got off the stop before mine …’

from  Settling In and Developing Skills

‘The thing I’m enjoying most at the moment is working in this friendly environment with good music being played all over the office at different times and hearing the banter and either seeing or hearing the work that other people are doing and being blown away by it’

from  Does it Sound Good Mrs Bush

‘As Steve the station manager went down the list of songs for us to listen to on the massive screen at the end of the table we researched the artists and discussed their ratings in other charts and playlists. On one occasion Steve miss spelt the name of one of the artists and we ended up with crazed looking pictures of Mrs. Bush from George Bushes presidency, if you look at her left eye it does look like she has an evil twitch’

from  Never Pull a U-Turn

‘… After I’d finished up and started to head back I head a a faint noise over my headphones. I took them off and saw people getting out of their cars and people standing on the side of the road staring. Some man had tried to pull a U turn and plowed into the opposite pavement and into a pole, ripping out the front wheel, suspension and all! No one was hurt but the car was pretty mashed up. A good thing to live by I think is don’t pull a U turn in London… ever’

from  The Smiling Girl, Questionable Tapes and a Free Bar

‘… I carried on sorting the tapes until I came across something that made me stop in my flow of work. A tape titled ‘BTS KID CUDI JOSH TAPE’ This must have been something that Josh had filmed while he was here at MOS. In fact it had suddenly hit me that most of the tapes here were probably filmed by him’IMG_0340

from  Not Bad and Summer Fabric

‘I hate London pigeons. I just want to glue a chip to the backs of them all and then watch as they fight each other for the chips.’

from  Crocodile Burgers, Irish Kindness and Pumping Oit at Work

‘Unfortunately being fresh out of university I’m not exactly rolling in it so could not afford to go down to the market to which Steve said, ‘well… sounds like you need a… some kind of a float…. At which point he goes to hand me £10! I could not except that! ‘Do you know how much money that is!?’ I said ‘Yeah it’s £10′ Steve said in his Irish accent with a hit of what are you talking about in his voice. Marco laughed and just said ‘take the money ….’

‘Hot, hungry, thirsty and with music so loud my ears were starting to hurt I slowly became zombified. For 2 hours this dance was played and it was well past my time to take a break but I did not want the show to sound like arse so I stayed on through laughing with the guest and chatting as much as I could muster without letting the groggy heat frustration get the better of my mood …’
‘You get out of things what you put in, so if I sat around picking my nose all day I’d have an empty nose…’
‘On the journey home I thought about how incredible had been today and just could not help but smile all the way back! Thinking of my friend Josh Taylor and the strange gifts in a way he has given me and thinking of Josh Edmonds and again the strange gifts in a way he has given me also. I want to do them both proud and make the opportunity’s I get from this internship be lasting and push me forwards into a career that I enjoy and love doing! So thank you guys for all you’ve done with out even knowing.’